
Call for Expression of Interest - ECRI Scientific Council

Published in 
Tuesday, 21 June, 2022 - 18:30 to Wednesday, 31 August, 2022 - 23:00

The European Credit Research Institute (ECRI) is calling for applications from academics to become members of its incoming Scientific Council.

The ECRI Scientific Council will be composed by four or five academics and meet one or two times a year. Members may be invited to participate in the ECRI Executive Committee meetings. Members of the Scientific Council will be appointed for a period of three years.

ECRI Scientific Council members will advise ECRI researchers and ensure that ECRI research is of sufficient quality by peer reviewing its publications. They will also participate in the selection committee when ECRI launches a call for papers. They might also have the opportunity to participate in ECRI events as speakers and to publish on the ECRI website as external authors.

The members of the Scientific Council will obtain some of the benefits of ECRI Members such as:

  • Participation in ECRI events and debates
  • Information on ECRI’s current research and activities
  • Free access to ECRI’s Statistical Packages
  • Access to external research and EU policy networks

New deadline for application: 31 August 2022



Submission Criteria

The selection of successful candidates will be based on:

  • Academic performance (publications and reputation in academic circles)
  • Proximity to ECRI’s areas of interest (retail payments, consumer credit, overindebtedness, credit infrastructure and digital finance)
  • Affinity to European retail finance policies
  • Diversity in academic disciplines (economics, finance, law, etc.)
  • Geographical and gender diversity

Selection procedure

  • Applications must contain:
    • A CV;
    • A short cover letter expressing the reasons and interest in the application; and
    • An example of a recent research paper linked to one of the areas in which ECRI is active.
  • The applications will be reviewed by the selection committee.
  • A selection of the applicants will be invited for a short call.
  • A selection of the applicants will be presented to the ECRI Executive Committee
  • Successful candidates will be officially invited to become members of the Scientific Council
  • The successful candidates will be nominated by the ECRI Executive Committee

Contact person

For questions about the call please contact Beatriz Pozo (beatriz.pozo@ceps.eu).