
Responsible lending in times of crisis

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Wednesday, 15 July, 2020 - 11:00 to 12:00


The European Banking Authority has at the end of May published the final guidelines on loan origination and monitoring. The guidelines aim to improve the lending standards and asset quality of lenders after June 2021. In these guidelines the prudential standards for lenders, borrower protection, anti-money laundering and sustainability are brought together.

During the CEPS-ECRI webinar key stakeholders involved in the preparation and affected by the guidelines will discuss these new guidelines. To what extent do they strike the right balance between economic growth, financial stability and consumer protection? Is the guidance on the creditworthiness assessment fit for purpose? What is the likely impact on both lenders and borrowers? What more is required to promote responsible lending?



Moderator: Willem Pieter de Groen, Research Fellow & Head of Unit, CEPS