
CEPS-ECRI Fintech Day: Data, Innovation and Regulation in Finance: Finding the right balance!

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Thursday, 7 June, 2018 - 08:30 to 16:00
CEPS Conference room

CEPS-ECMI-ECRI Annual Conference on Fintech

The pace of data-driven innovation is accelerating in financial services. The promise of benefit for both firms and clients will become reality as long as the right policies and enablers are in place. To help meet that challenge, CEPS, ECRI and ECMI are jointly organising their Annual Conference on “Data, Innovation and Regulation in Finance: Finding the right balance!” 

Given the significant impact of digitalisation on all types of products and clients, the objective of this conference is to provide a platform for the exchange of good practices across the various supervisors and providers of financial services, thereby contributing to greater regulatory consistency across the different segments of financial services. As such, the scope is relatively wide and intends to include retail financial services (credit, savings and payments), as well as investments and insurance. The programme features key stakeholders in the financial services sector and high-level representatives from the European institutions, national authorities, the financial industry, FinTech start-ups and academia.

The conference will first explore the interplay between data privacy rights and financial innovation. It will then discuss the potential benefits, risks and challenges for robo-advisors and the capacity to progress from niche markets to the mainstream. The debate will finally explore how policy-makers could further help financial firms better protect critical data against increasingly complex cyber-attacks.

The draft agenda can be downloaded here.

08:45 Registration

09:15 Opening remarks 

09:20 Opening keynote address

09:50 Session I – Privacy rights and financial innovation: Finding the right balance  

11:15 Coffee break

11:30 Session II – The reality of robo-advisors: Business models, investor protection and supervision

13:00 Lunch break

14:00 Session III – Cybersecurity in finance: Getting the policy mix right!

​​15:25 Concluding remarks

15:30 End of the conference