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Following the rise in digital lenders and increasing online distribution of consumer credit, the European Commission proposed a revision of the Consumer Credit Directive (CCD) in June 2021.

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Karel Lannoo

Tackling money laundering is a longstanding policy priority, but one pursued with limited success. The EU Commission is announcing an AML action plan in July, but a new approach is needed. 

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Simon Krause

The growing choice of payment services should be good news for consumers, but only if they have complete information about the products being sold and the prices charged by each firm.

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Are households driving Europe’s economic recovery?

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In this ECRI Commentary, Sylvain Bouyon, Research Fellow at ECRI and CEPS, offers an up-to-date analysis of recent trends and developments in European mortgage markets.

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Karel Lannoo

The European Commission’s Green Paper on retail financial services, published on December 10th, provides valuable insights into the possible benefits of a single market, as well as the obstacles to its development and the possible remedies.

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Given that final consumption of households has contributed on average to broadly 60% of EU-28 GDP since 2001, an assessment of the drivers behind its dynamics is quite timely in a context of gradual economic recovery.

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After 4-5 years of poor performance, final consumption of households in the 28 EU member states is expected to recover significantly in 2015 and 2016.

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Alistair Milne

Alistair Milne argues in this ECRI Commentary that ‘FinTech’ (newly emerging Financial Technologies) can play a crucial role in achieving European policy objectives in the area of financial markets.
