
Published in: 
Pauli Lepistö, Marc Rothemund, Nicola Jentzsch

Two years of intensive negotiations have ended with the adoption of the Payment Services Directive by the European Parliament in the first reading, and the proposed legislation is due to be adopted shortly by the EU Council.

Published in: 
Marc Rothemund, Maria Gerhardt

Credit referencing occurs in many countries of the world with a primary purpose of collecting and providing information to help lenders make better decisions.

Published in: 
Nicola Jentzsch, Christian Wey

This report brings together in a single volume the excellent contributions presented at the high-level conference on “The Future of Retail Banking in Europe: Competition and Regulatory Challenges” held at CEPS on the 10th of June 2009.

Published in: 
Caterina Giannetti, Nicola Jentzsch, Giancarlo Spagnolo

Information asymmetries can severely limit the cross-border border expansion of banks, if entering banks can only obtain incomplete information about potential new clients. Such asymmetries are reduced by credit registers, which distribute financial data on bank clients.

Published in: 
Jürgen Bott

When it was originally proposed, the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) was hailed for its potential to contribute significantly to making Europe the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-driven economy by 2010.

Published in: 
Maria Chiara Malaguti

The Payment Services Directive (PSD) was published in late 2007, constituting the legal basis for the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA). The industry initiative launched on 28 January 2008 aims at replacing fragmented national markets for payment services with one integrated system.

Published in: 
Daniel Kaltofen, Stephan Paul, Stefan Stein

The key concept underlying the Basel II framework for risk measurement and corresponding equity capital standards is that the existing regulations pertaining to credit risk will be individualised through reference to the internal ratings of banks.

Published in: 
Laurent Weill

The aim of this work is to provide empirical elements on the performance of consumer credit companies in the European Union by applying efficiency frontier techniques. These techniques, widely applied in banking literature, provide sophisticated measures of performance – the efficiency scores.

Published in: 
Alfredo Sousa de Jesus

This report was prepared by Alfredo Sousa de Jesus, Research Fellow at CEPS. The views expressed in this study are attributable only to the author in a personal capacity and not to any institution with which he is associated.
